Malta Grant for Musical Instruments: How to Apply

The Malta Grant for Musical Instruments helps musicians purchase quality instruments at a lower cost. Check the simple steps below to see how you can apply and get the instrument of your choice if you're eligible.

What is the Malta Grant for Musical Instruments?

The grant is designed to aid musicians by subsidizing a portion of the expenses for  purchasing musical instruments, making music more accessible and supporting local talent in Malta.

Who Can Apply?

The people eligible to apply for the grant are all musicians who live in Malta.

Grant Benefits

The grant in this scheme is a refund of 15.25% of the cost incurred in purchasing the musical instrument, with the maximum refund being €465.

How to Apply for the Malta Grant

Apply Within 3 Months of Purchase

Fill in the form and include your personal information and receipts or invoices no later than three months after buying the instrument.


Make sure to save your original receipts or invoices for two years, because the Commissioner for Taxes and Customs might request them for verification.

Where to Submit

Visit, log in with your e-ID, and complete the form with the necessary details.

After You Submit: What Happens Next?

How Long Will It Take?

You should receive a response within a few working days.

What Is The Next Step Once You Are Granted Approval?

If approved, the funds from the grant will be transferred to the bank account shown in your application.

Conclusion: Are You Eligible?

If you’ve purchased your instrument in the last 3 months, haven’t received the grant before, and have the original receipt or invoice, you’re eligible to apply.


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